Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Baileys and Brownies

Tunic: Vintage | Brooch: ModCloth | Leggings: Primark | Boots: Dr. Martens | Lipstick: MAC Ruby Woo

I was VERY lazy this afternoon but I forced myself to wake up at a reasonable time and go for a walk with Cláudia. Even though the skies are relatively grey by now, it's not really chilly outside. In fact, I had the impression that it's still Summer, only not so torrid.

It didn't take too long to decide what to wear today - it's easier when I'm in a rather neutral mood and tend to go for something practical and comfortable. The chocolate-coloured boots, paired with Baileys-hued leggings, make me look a bit like Lara Croft with an equestrian approach. The bag's floral print softens the outfit and I added that lovely brooch so it looked more playful and less... adult. Classy and whimsy, right? The brown brocade of my tunic has an exquisite texture and I love to wear it with or without leggings. My face looks goofy as usual but oh, well, at least I'm noticing how less tanned I am, day after day, which is quite an achievement. 


  1. "I forced myself to wake up at a reasonable time" LOOOOOL matas-me!

  2. por acaso o tempo tem estado quentinho lá fora :) pelo menos, mais quente que em minha casa, que é um cubo de gelo.
    adorei como descreveste o conjunto, lara croft com ar equestre haha. realmente tem ares disso

  3. Adoro essas botas, a cor é deliciosa.

  4. Your face is adorable & you have an awesome style <3

  5. e eu q n sou mt fã de castanho, adorei este look, em especial as botas!

  6. Adoro! A camisola é mesmo bonita :)

  7. Love this outfit so much, you look awesome! x
