1 cup of flour
1 cup of flour
⅓ cup of sugar
½ cup of Nutella
2 eggs
2 eggs
Mix all the ingredientes together until the batter gets softer (it will be thick at first, because of the consistency of nutella).
Grease a cookie sheet and place into the oven at 350 degrees. Cook for 10 minutes and let cool.
These cookies are basic, simple, easy and pretty much a great idea when you running out of ingredients and are left with only 4. If you are a Nutella lover, you will definitely ask for more! I might also add some vanilla extract next time, to give it a bit more flavour.
Oh, and do yourself a favour: lick the batter!
Porque é que me fazes isto? Porquêêêêêêêê?
ReplyDeleteAcho que vou ter que experimentar! O meu marido é maluco por Nutella, vai adorar de certeza ;) **
ReplyDeleteLol! O rolo da massa...:-)
ReplyDeleteAs bolachas são boas.
Eu adoro Nutella por isso tenho que experimentar!
ReplyDeleteai meu deus, devem ser uma tentação :)
ReplyDeleteaaaaaaaaaaaah tenho de fazer !!
ReplyDeletedamn, acho q vou experimentar!
Não percebo. É como o appeal of the older man. The appeal of Nutella. Não entendo, se uns bicoitinhos de Bailey's não eram muito melhores? 'hint hint'
páááááára :x~~~
nutella cookies even sounds perfect *_________*
I'm definitely going to try this today!