Saturday, November 30, 2013

Weekly Randoms #2

It's never too cold for apple cider! Okay, maybe it is but it's so deliciously tasty...

At last, my new saddle shoes have finally arrived! Aren't they pretty? They are very comfortable and considering the risks I take by purchasing shoes online, I've been quite lucky. Believe me when I say it's not easy to find nice footwear at a reasonable price that still manages to fit it my tiny feet (UK Size 3)! Now I am awfully scared that someone might step on them while in the pub or something... One thing I know for sure: if you watched Stoker, you'll agree on the fact that India would love my shoes.

The other evening, my friend Daniela invited me to cook for her at her place, which made me feel both flattered and nervous (I start to question my cooking skills when someone is watching me in the kitchen). However, she didn't complain (nor did I!) about the food. I've made something simple and exotic: chicken breasts with coconut milk, lemon and ginger + curried rice with mushrooms, butter and garlic + fried pineapple, banana and pear soaked in honey, cinnamon, caramel and cachaça. So, yes, we've had an awesomely nourishing candle-lit dinner.

More books to my shelf, of course. Bought these two in WOOK. I like going to the library but it feels so much better to OWN Literature, right? Instead of buying nonsense things, I shall invest on my bookshelf, for my own sake.


  1. these shoes look really awesome, actually!

  2. Aaahh!! Peitos de frango com leite de côco, sapatos novos e Victor Hugo tudo ao molhe e fé em Deus!
    És linda!

  3. Claro que não é molhe, é molho. Typo.

  4. Também adoro Somersby, ainda ontem à noite bebi :) Os sapatos são mesmo fofinhos e os teus cozinhados têm sempre aspecto maravilhoso!

  5. Os sapatos parecem ser mesmo giros!

  6. Stoker is quite the feature film! Oh my didn't it make your heart flutter and palms sweaty?!

    XO's Paige

  7. Pois até que enfim alguém que concorda comigo, quando recentemente me queixava com algumas amigas que para mim o pior de andar na penúria é o facto de já não comprar pelo menos um livro por mês, e elas diziam que moro ao lado de uma biblioteca e não viam razão para me sentir assim. Tentei explicar que em primeiro lugar, 99% do que leio TEM de estar em inglês, e na biblioteca num há, mas o pior foi a incapacidade de as fazer compreender o prazer táctil, fisico e visual de olhar para as minhas estantes e ver ali os meus livros, os meus companehiros, os meus amigos mais fiéis e verdadeiros... até porque para elas amigos são seres humanos.

  8. Somersby is the best cider there is to buy! However, I promised myself to only drink it when it's summer or the weather feels like summer which is a complete opposite from the weather we're having right now
