Monday, October 8, 2012

Autumn Afternoons

I've been having lovely afternoons recently. Me and David got in a taxi and went to Salema, a coastal village with a quiet beach. The smell of Autumn was in the air, and we started to feel some raindrops as soon as we lied down in the sand. We took off our shoes and went to the sea but it was so fucking freezing it made our bones ache.
I felt so happy, barefoot and sober, there was a pure feeling of freedom inside me, because we were both relaxed and cool, taking photographs of us and talking and laughing at the people around us...
We spent the rest of the afternoon in this café/restaurant in a narrow street with a view to the seascape, while I drank a gin and tonic and ate some garlic bread with cheese.
Such a perfect day.

Tive umas belas tardes recentemente. Eu e o David fomos de táxi até à Salema, uma pequena vila costeira à beira-mar. O cheiro do Outono já pairava no ar, e começámos a sentir gotas de chuva assim que nos deitámos no areal. Tirámos os sapatos e fomos para dentro de água mas estava tão gelada que até nos doeu os ossos.
Senti-me feliz, descalça, relaxada, sóbria, enfim, um genuíno sentimento de pura felicidade dentro de mim, enquanto tirava fotografias e conversava e ria das pessoas à minha volta...
Passámos o resto da tarde num café/restaurante numa rua estreitinha com vista para o mar, onde eu bebi o meu gim tónico e devorei pão de alho com queijo.
Que dia perfeito