Sunday, March 2, 2014

♥ Sunday Best ♥ #46

These went straight to my wishlist.

So beautiful: frozen lighthouses on Lake Michigan. It looks like an icy Wonderland.

This dress is what my dreams are made of.

Someone take me to this room - I want to experience how uncomfortable silence can get!

A unicorn sprinkles shaker is the ultimate cute kitchen must-have!

I am not a design freak but I love this vinyl LP storage cabinet!

I'm pretty sure I could be happier if I lived in such a nice place like this. I mean, look at that porch! And the books! The tub! Damn, this house can't get any better!


  1. Aquela casa é tipo a habitação dos meus sonhos. Já a prisão do Al, conheço gente que vive bem pior carago.

  2. I want that house! And I want it now!

  3. Uma casa rodeada de árvores e flores faz toda a diferença, porque o resto é normal, a não ser o facto de a casa ser de madeira.

  4. Thanks for leaving such a darling comment on my blog!
    That silent room - it is almost hard to believe!

    Have the best day ever,

  5. ok vamos parar tudo e focar naquele unicórnio, gimme gimmmeee

  6. You always find cool stuff! I could get used to living in Al Capone's jail cell, haha. And I'm super curious about that silent room, so weird!

  7. LOVE these!!!
    I really need storage for my LPs. I keep them in cardboard boxes under my side tables in my living room (we listen to records all the time and the boxes are starting to rip after them being in the boxes about 5.5 years).

  8. this jail cell looks like my tiny flat, haha (not sure if its positive)
    i love masters of sex too :) and i love your sunday best posts
