Sunday, May 18, 2014

♥ Sunday Best ♥ #57

This is an amazing idea... And yes, I know it's not Halloween yet.

If only this set wasn't so expensive...!

This might be the cutest kitchen I've ever seen! Pastel perfection and plenty of eye-candy.

Andrew Scott sings!!!

I sure want to wear this turquoise mesh bow, it's so pretty!

A roof garden is all I want right now.

Argentinean sculptor Adrián Villar Rojas has been creating magnificent works... Wow!

This butterfly happens to be half female, half male! This rare genetic disorder is called bilateral gynandromorphism and occurs in insects, arachnids, crustaceans and birds. Interesting, huh?

OH MY GOD! Just when I thought my Jurassic obsession couldn't broaden any further... A dinosaur candle!!!


  1. Fiquei apaixonada por essa cozinha toda em tons pasteis, que coisa linda! Também adorei os doces da primeira imagem, adoro essas coisas meio bizarras hahaha. Ano passado eu tinha visto uns cupcakes como essa mesma decoração de "sangue" e "vidro" hahaha.

  2. Wonderful inspirations !! many thx to share it!

  3. Ugh I too love the set in the 2nd photo.

  4. "Sorry we're closed" era o que eu deveria pôr de vez em quando na minha cozinha...;-))
    Adoro as esculturas do Rojas, um homem que pensa em grande!

  5. Aquela cozinha, nossa! só de imaginar os bolinhos deliciosos a sair dali e as fotos que se tiravam ^^

  6. UI, tão digno do Hannibal loool, amei, quero lá saber do Halloween, best idea ever!

  7. Wow! That pastel kitchen in peeeerfect!
    And I too wish that that set was not sooo expensive :( 'Cause it's sooo cute
