Sunday, May 25, 2014

♥ Sunday Best ♥ #58

You can never go wrong with this white sangria - expect melon, ginger and pineapple hints!

Do you realise how cute this is?

This 1940s radio looks like something Wes Anderson would feature in one of his films!

I love her hair and her glasses so much!

I relate to this pig.

Say hello to the first innovative bicycle path in the Netherlands, designed by Daan Roosegaarde. Paved with sparkling stones that charge during the day and emit light during the night, this path runs where Vincent van Gogh lived from 1883 to 1885.


  1. Fiquei impressionada com as fotografias do gelo, espetacular :)

  2. Oh my god, the radio. So Wes. I want to run away with a glasses-wearing boy carrying just that and a kitten.
    Lovely selection of images, I very much enjoyed this post <3
    p.s. the foundation you asked about on my blog is GREAT, although if you, like me, have skin on the oiler side you will need to prime and powder as things can get a little dewy when you wear it.

  3. Uma cozinha com chão em madeira não é nada indicado.
    As fotos do gelo são estrondosas!

  4. Gawd, tudo tão bonito! O rádio é meeeesmo Wes!

  5. All of these are amazing, I need the frilly bra and panties :)) Soooo sweet xx

  6. I love your Sunday Best series - you find the most interesting things on the internet! The photos of a frozen Venice are incredible and I am so jealous of that beautiful porch (what a view!).


  7. i had a pretty rough time with university but i had my last final this morning, school is finally over for the last 4 months! that's why i did not really took the time to blog since.. two months wow time goes by so quickly! as soon as it stops raining i could enjoy some photography walks around the city! thank you for your kind words :)

  8. Fiquei cheia de vontade de experimentar essa sangria nhomnhom
    E o video do porco <3 morri :p

  9. ai a vontade com que fiquei de provar aquela sangria!!

  10. Parece mentira mas ainda este domingo fiz uma sangria branca ahahahah!!! Mas diferente daquela. Adoro os óculos, o cabelo E a roupa da miúda, tudo perfeitinho. A cozinha podia já vir aqui pra minha casa, lool.

  11. The kitchen and the porch are to die for!
    And I would do anything to be able to ride that bicycle road! It's insane how beautiful it looks!

  12. That kitchen is amazing! And you really can't go wrong with sangria, it's basically everything delicious in a glass. You have a beautiful blog :)

  13. fiquei a babar-me por essa sangria e melhor melhor era beber nesse porch!

  14. Os teus posts são sempre uma inspiração <3
