Saturday, February 13, 2016

Pancake Tuesday

Last Tuesday was Pancake Tuesday. Festivities involving consumption of delicious food are always worth the celebration. Pancakes (ok, they were more like crepes, really) were flipped and a feast ensued. There was maple syrup, blueberries, raspberries, banana, lime jam, cream, chocolate, cranberry sauce, salted caramel, greek yoghurt, chocolate, honey, lemon, sugar... you name it! Needless to say, I stuffed my mouth with Rennies afterwards. My gluttony knows no limits.


  1. I want that fire place. I mean it. I need it in my life!!

  2. Oh my lord the toppings you have there - all looks so delicious!

    Issy | MissIsGoode xox

  3. Um dia muito doce, esse das panquecas!
    Fotos que abrem o apetite, embora faltem
    aí algumas fotos...:-)

  4. Somehow I've never celebrated pancake tuesday, it's just not a thing in Australia... needs to become one though!

  5. Oh wow, you do pancake day with style! That spread of toppings is making my mouth water. Ferrero Rocher, salted caramel and maple syrup are the food of the Gods.


  6. Já fiz um festim desses cá em casa e soube-me melhor que muitos jantares, mas o teu supera! (deixa-me ir ao teu por favoooor!)

  7. Pancake Tuesday sounds absolutely lovely and these look so yummy. I think pancakes in Europe are more like crepes. The ones I had as a kid in the US were always a lot thicker and much more fluffy but I love both.

    Rae | Love from Berlin
