Wednesday, March 2, 2016

Belgium Travel Diary: In Bruges

Bruges was, of course, a place we had to tick off our bucket list, sooner or later - a whimsical Medieval fairytale where every single building looks like a gingerbread house. This enchanting little city is like a storybook illustration, oozing a romantic charm only overpowered by the drool-inducing smell of waffles covered in chocolate and caramel - carbs and calories, come to me!

First things first: we parked the car, I stashed a city map in my pocket and layers of knitwear and wool were added to our outfits - the cold wind was ruthlessly crippling, to say the least. We went straight to the Torture Museum, which was insanely interesting but I can't really say I've never been in one before. We crossed the prettiest bridges and I salivated at the sight of the most tempting pralines. A very picturesque Markt looked more like a History-themed outdoor museum than just a main square. The ominous Belfry overlooked the cobbled streets, the terracotta-tinged rooftops, the atmospheric maze of canals and the gothic-looking gilded towers. I reckon that I ignored several photo ops because all that beauty around me was absorbing my senses - or maybe my senses were absorbing all that beauty. Every now and then the constant presence of tourists made me feel like grabbing their repellent selfie sticks and throw them into the canal but I kept my cool.

Afternoon became dusk, leading us to quench our thirst in Charlie Rockets, where we munched and quaffed Malheur. Everything was pretty, quaint and cosy - shame it wasn't snowing, I would've love a proper Winter Wonderland. When it was time to leave beautiful Bruges, I was already missing the Stella Artois neon signs, the dramatic evening walk along the canal, the Renaissance townhouses, the teal-eyed friendly lad with those razor sharp cheekbones who we met at the Torture Museum and even the boat tour we never did.

Note to self: I still can't get over the fact that I've missed THIS DOG!


  1. Love these travel posts Nancy! Bruges looks wonderful x

  2. I visited Bruges once, but only as a stopover for an afternoon. It's such a pretty place! You're making me want to go to Belgium!

  3. Teal eyed ladas are such a temptation...

  4. Amo mesmo as tuas fotografias, aquecem-me tanto o coração...! Não sei explicar, mas a forma como vês as coisas transmite-me paz e muito conforto :) Um grande, grande beijinho e boa viagem :)

  5. I got it right!!!!! Have I won something? Anything?

  6. Really beautiful travel photos - I always adore your travel posts so much! I have never been to Bruges, so it was lovely to follow along through your stunning photos and the tourture museum sounds really interesting - I am kind of into macabre stuff, so I think I would love it. What is Malheur?

    Rae | Love from Berlin

  7. Woah é tudo tão bonito, quase que não parece real! Ah o quanto eu não gostava de passear por esses sítios todos com o meu sketchbook :)

  8. Estou a gostar muito de acompanhar este teu diario pela belgica!
    Bruges parece mesmo uma cidadezinha saida de um conto de fadas :)
    btw ... Ando a planear uma solo trip a Dublin, visto que tenho uns dias livres este mes e as viagens aqui de Stansted para dublin estão super baratas! Gostava muito de me encontrar contigo por lá para bebermos qualquer coisa quente ;)

  9. Lindas fotos, tanto as tiradas de dia como as tiradas
    à noite. Uma bela passagem pela cidade, apesar da tortura
    do frio e do Museu da Tortura. ;-)
    Poderias escrever para roteiros de viagens, pela descrição
    precisa que fazes dos locais.

  10. That is the greatest dog that ever lived. I want to go to Bruges and quote the film the whole time. Looks amazing! x

  11. Já passeei hardcore em Bruges pelo Google Maps e damn quero tanto lá ir. E ao ler o que escreveste fiquei logo aos saltos por ter um Torture Museum.

  12. A foto da cabeça do velho com os bolos, I can't! Oh esse cão!! Não sabia que era de lá!

  13. Hello! I'm here from recently, but I already love your blog! I found you by style "Lolita".
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    Roksana :)

  14. Bruges is so pretty and such a fantastic city. I visited back in high school so it's been a while and I want to go back so bad. I love all your travel pictures. They always make me wish I could be out exploring new places!

    Jamie |
