Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Christophe Jacrot

I can never get enough of Christophe Jacrot's glorious photographs. He makes the most of the aesthetics of adverse meteorological conditions - blizzards, thunderstorms, deluge, you name it. Urban landscape essentially seen as a pluviophile's dream. By romanticizing bad weather, Jacrot is able to show us the streets of Paris in the rain and capture the glowing neon-drenched Hong Kong blind alleys in a different light, angle and context. Oh, and, of course, a few umbrellas struggling with the wind. This French photographer isn't afraid of storms, adding visually rich elements soaked in heavy rain to his concept of photography, while people look more like ghosts, as the viewer gets easily distracted by the forces of mighty Mother Nature.  Wet roads, silent boulevards, noisy traffic, glistening asphalt, slippery puddles reflecting the lights late at night, like a film noir shot in technicolor. There is something rather poetic about this way of glamourizing rainfall and its beauty in a big city, such as London or New York. It looks as though the dense metropolitan atmosphere appears aware of its own sense of loneliness and solitude and doesn't try to hide it at all; on the contrary. When it rains, it pours, and when it pours, this is how it looks like through Jacrot's lens. 


  1. ai meu coração, que fotos! tem tudo o que gosto, chuva, pessoas ao natural, sinais luminosos, opá! Adorei adorei adorei aquelas duas fotos ''divididas'' com a paisagem urbana e o prédio com as luzes acesas, lembrou-me o lost in translation x)

  2. Belas fotos! Principalmente a do barco, e o pormenor das senhoras elegantemente
    calçadas à chuva!

  3. these were a dream to scroll through, thanks for sharing!

  4. These are amazing! Usually when it's raining I think "oh I'm not gonna get good photos today", but this proves that wrong.

  5. Já tinha visto algumas destas fotos - a da ave voando sobre um mar tempestuoso foi a que mais me marcou - mas não sabia o nome dele. Adoro fotos de chuva, do caos que a chuva parece trazer á vida das pessoas, coo se a água que literalmente as lava fosse algo terrivel... é coisa em que penso muito, a maioria das pessoas detesta chuva, parece que tem medo de chuva, de céus cinzentos, parece que só sabem ser felizes se brilhar o sol... acho isso tão estranho, porque será que tanta gente tem horror á chuva? Vá, filosofias á parte, fotos destas fazem o meu dia.

  6. Thanks for introducing Christophe to us. I love the way he has taken something that most people despise and find ugly and inconvenient and created something beautiful. My favorite photos have gotten to be the ones looking through the pane of glass - it really looks like an impressionist painting.

    rae of love from berlin

  7. Adoro o Christophe Jacrot <3
    Um dia de chuva fica bem a qualquer cidade... as minhas preferidas são aquelas que têm o contraste entre o dentro e fora. E a última :)

  8. His images are SO very appropriate for today! However, the beauty of them reminds me to complain a little less about the miserable scurrying and cycling along wet pavements and cobbled streets and instead to look for the altered moments and reflected, in-between spaces.

  9. I love a photographer who can capture great photos in cities at night... and raining! Amazing work.
