Saturday, November 22, 2014

Deadening Deadlock

Life in this town is dull, dim, deadlock. Rusty routine corroded by erratic behaviour and mockery. It's time to move on, I repeat to myself once again, time after time. Memories are nothing but a burden and I'm the beast. I've been flogged by Miss Sciatica a few days ago, which was probably the most intense thing I've experienced this week. When I was a kid, I used to watch and re-watch that film with Demi Moore, GI Jane - I even wanted to be like her because she kicked ass as a Navy Seal and more importantly, as a woman. Anyway, I always tried to keep this scene in mind: if we're in pain, it's a good sign, it means we're alive. Pain is our friend, basically, because it lets us know we're not dead yet. Pretty basic, I reckon, but that's the bright side of life, isn't it? Speaking of which, I'm off to Czech Republic on Monday and Cláudia is joining me in this food-fueled (I'm counting on that) adventure. Anthony Bourdain should definitely hire us for the sake of his own show. Anyway, it will be my first time in Prague - suggestions, tips and recommendations are very welcome.


  1. These pictures are very atmospheric! Hope you're feeling better now :/ Prague is AMAZING! Have an awesome time, definitely go to the castle and explore that side of the river, including Strahov monastery!

  2. Aquilo que a uns parece o inferno, aos olhos de outros - e neste caso, através das tuas imagens - tem um je ne sais quoi de romântico, de nostálgico, saudosista. Falas tão mal da vida aí, e no entanto as tuas fotos desse canto são imbuídas de uma teia de sentimentos que em tudo gritam saudade e ternura... weird, loool. Bom, estou ansiando ver as fotos de Praga, uma das cidades que mais queria visitar!!

  3. Gorgeous photos! I love these kind of pictures xx

  4. Aaah fantástica a janela dos russos com a jarra de flores,
    a combinar na perfeição com o PT da EDP, ferrugento
    como o resto do país!

  5. Also: without pain, we wouldn't notice something isn't as it is supposed to be. A good warning system.
    On another note: that dog!! Too cute.

    Have a great day,

    P.S.: Thanks for leaving such nice comment on my last post!

  6. I've been there, I feel that deadlock.
    These photos are quite beautiful though, rustic and raw :)

  7. Percebo a frustração de viver num sítio desses, mas tenho sempre o centro do Porto que funciona meio que uma escapadela. Boa viagem :D Adorava dar-te sugestões mas nunca fui lá :c

  8. I love the first two!! You're able to find beauty even in the dullest of places, I'll give you that.
