Monday, June 22, 2015

Idle Isolation

Sloth-like sleepy moves followed by caffeine jitters on mellow mornings. Someone else's fragrant musk my eyeliner-stained pillow exhales. Nights worth the hangover. Lethargy after peaks of energy. Some time alone. Bacon and black coffee with tons of brown sugar inviting me to leave the most comfortable bed in the world. We have to enjoy the simple, little pleasures of life because those are the ones people always take for granted, always tend to neglect. Solitude, silence, friendship, passion, wine, tea, coffee, dry socks, cheese, books, comfort, warmth, Nature, music, imagination. We isolate our conscience from an offputting reality by relying on these simple, little yet meaningful things. Because that's all we'll have left when everything else is gone.


  1. Always love your photos; I giggled at the panties on the window. :)

  2. And knickers on the window, don't forget knickers on the window. I'm all for dry socks, actually, nothing makes me feel more self conscious and sadder than having wet socks on me feet!!

  3. I love these photos! My bed + books + pizza and a nice sunset is all I need haha.

  4. Há qualquer coisa de melancólica nestas fotografias que adoro, de paixão ♥

    R.: Raça da miúda que vê Lagos em todas as minhas fotografias! Por acaso tenho umas de lá para publicar no blog mas ainda não foi aquela! Aquela praia é a Praia dos Beijinhos em Armação de Pêra.

  5. A cuequinha está a secar ou a arrefecer?...:-) O kaz parece muito introspectivo...!

  6. Adoro fechar-me em casa, sem telemóvel, facebook, enfim, sem contacto com o pessoal cá fora, com os meus lençóis emaranhados nas pernas e música de fundo, durante horas. Acho mesmo que se não fossem essas coisas pequenas já tinha ficado maluca
